How To Fall Asleep In 2 Minutes – Best Sleep Military Method

Sleep Apnea is a medical condition that affects the quality of sleep by causing interruptions in breathing during asleep. It can lead to daytime fatigue and other health issues. If you’re looking to fall asleep in 2 minutes or improve your sleep.This article explores the scientific techniques that can aid in achieving sleep initiation within a 2 minutes, based on expert advice.


In the fast-paced world we live in today, quality sleep has become increasingly elusive for many individuals. Sleep disturbances can lead to a host of health issues and impair cognitive function. Therefore, mastering the ability to fall asleep swiftly is a valuable skill worth cultivating.

How To Fall Asleep In 2 Minutes - Best Sleep Military Method

Tips to fall asleep in 2 minutes

Practice the military technique: Lie in bed, breathe slowly and deeply, relax your face and body, and clear your mind of thoughts. You can repeat the words “don’t think” or visualize happy memories or calming scenes.
Foods to help you fall asleep faster:

  1. Tryptophan, a sleep-inducing chemical, is present in foods including milk, bananas, almonds, honey, chicken, turkey, and eggs.
  2. Complex carbs: Snack on whole grains like popcorn, oatmeal, and whole-wheat crackers, topped with nut butter for a better night’s sleep.
  3. Fish: Fish contains vitamin B6, which helps in the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates the sleep/wake cycle.
  4. Nuts: Almonds and walnuts contain melatonin and healthy fats that can promote better sleep.
  5. Kale: This leafy green is high in calcium, which aids in sleep hormone production.
  6. Honey in warm beverages: Add honey to chamomile or peppermint tea to relax your mind and lower the level of orexin, a chemical that keeps you alert.
  7. Sleep-promoting fruits: Tart cherries, bananas, pineapple, and oranges reduce oxidative stress and boost sleep hormones. Two kiwis before bed have been shown to increase sleep duration in people with chronic sleep issues.

Remember, it’s essential to create a conducive sleep environment with a cool, dark room, minimal disturbances, and a comfortable bed and pillow.

How To Fall Asleep In 2 Minutes - Best Sleep Military Method

How can I fall asleep in 2 minutes?

In the book “Relax and Win: Championship Performance” published in 2012, Lloyd Bud Winter reveals a routine developed by the Navy Pre-Flight School to assist pilots in falling asleep efficiently. Remarkably, after six weeks of practicing this technique, 96 percent of the pilots were able to fall asleep within two minutes or less, even in challenging conditions, such as sitting in a chair, listening to machine-gun fire, and after consuming coffee.

The Routine is as follows:

  1. Relax your face entirely: Begin by closing your eyes and breathing slowly and deeply. Gradually release tension in all the muscles of your face, starting from your forehead and moving downward. Relax your jaw, cheeks, mouth, tongue, and even your eyes. Allow them to let go completely.
  2. Drop your shoulders and hands: Let go of any tension and relax your neck and trapezius muscles. Feel yourself sinking into the chair or bed. Proceed to relax your right arm, including your biceps, forearms, and hands. Repeat the process for the left arm. Remember to continue breathing slowly and deeply throughout.
  3. Exhale and relax your chest: With your shoulders and arms already relaxed, this step should be relatively easy. Breathe out and release any tension in your chest area.
  4. Relax your legs: Start by relaxing your right thigh, allowing it to sink comfortably into the chair or bed. Proceed to your calf, ankle, and foot. Repeat the relaxation process for your left leg.
  5. Clear your mind: While it might be challenging to completely empty your mind of thoughts, try holding a relaxing image in your mind, such as picturing yourself lying comfortably in darkness. Alternatively, you can repeat the phrase “Don’t think” for 10 seconds to distract yourself from any thoughts that might otherwise keep you awake.

This routine is designed to induce physical and mental relaxation, helping you fall asleep quickly. With regular practice and dedication, the effectiveness of this technique can be optimized, leading to improved sleep quality and overall well-being.

How To Fall Asleep In 2 Minutes - Best Sleep Military Method

Sleep requirements by age

Age group

Hours of sleep needed (hours per day)

Infants (0 to 3 months)

14 to 17

Infants (4 to 11 months)

12 to 15

Toddlers (1 to 2 years)

11 to 14

Pre-school aged children (3 to 5 years)

10 to 13

School-aged children (6 to 13 years)

9 to 11

Teenagers (14 to 17 years)

8 to 10


7 to 9

Older adults (age 65 years and above)

7 to 8

Establishing a Consistent Sleep Routine

Creating a structured sleep schedule is pivotal in training the body to anticipate rest. Maintain a consistent bedtime and wake-up time, even on weekends, to regulate the internal body clock and optimize the natural sleep-wake cycle. By adhering to a regular routine, the body becomes conditioned to initiate sleep efficiently.

Implementing Relaxation Techniques

Several relaxation techniques can facilitate the transition into a peaceful slumber. Progressive muscle relaxation involves systematically tensing and relaxing various muscle groups, alleviating physical tension and promoting relaxation. Diaphragmatic breathing, or deep breathing, is another effective method to calm the mind and body. By inhaling deeply through the nose, holding the breath momentarily, and exhaling slowly through the mouth, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, promoting relaxation.

How To Fall Asleep In 2 Minutes - Best Sleep Military Method

Creating a Conducive Sleep Environment

The sleep environment plays a pivotal role in promoting rapid sleep initiation. Ensure the sleeping area is dark, quiet, and comfortably cool. Investing in a high-quality mattress and pillows that support the body’s natural alignment is also essential for optimal rest. Minimize exposure to electronic devices before bedtime, as the blue light emitted can disrupt the production of the sleep hormone melatonin.

Practicing Visualization and Imagery

Visualizing serene and calming scenarios can be immensely helpful in facilitating sleep. Guided imagery techniques involve mentally immersing oneself in a tranquil setting, such as a soothing beach or lush forest, to redirect the mind from daily stressors and worries. This practice helps in quieting the mind and easing into sleep.

The Military Method

The renowned 2-minute sleep technique, popularized by the United States military, can be a valuable asset in achieving swift sleep initiation. The method involves the following steps:

a) Relax your face muscles, including your jaw and forehead.
b) Drop your shoulders to release tension and let your arms relax at your sides.
c) Exhale, and relax your chest and legs.
d) Clear your mind for ten seconds, allowing any persistent thoughts to dissipate.
e) Picture yourself lying in a canoe on a calm lake, staring up at a cloudless sky.
f) Focus on maintaining this serene mental image, allowing any other thoughts to float away.
g) If you find yourself struggling to maintain focus, repeat the phrase “Don’t think, don’t think, don’t think” for a few moments.
h) With practice, this technique can swiftly lead to sleep initiation.

How To Fall Asleep In 2 Minutes - Best Sleep Military Method


Mastering the art of falling asleep within two minutes is a valuable skill that can significantly improve overall well-being and productivity. By incorporating consistent sleep routines, relaxation techniques, and cultivating a conducive sleep environment, individuals can effectively enhance their sleep quality. Additionally, employing the renowned military method as a mental strategy can expedite the process of sleep initiation. Embracing these evidence-based approaches can pave the way for restful and restorative sleep, ultimately promoting optimal health and cognitive function.


1.How long does it typically take to fall asleep using the military method?
Ans. The military method, as described in the article, aims to help individuals fall asleep within two minutes. However, individual experiences may vary, and it may take some practice before achieving the desired results.

2. Can relaxation techniques be combined to improve sleep initiation?
Ans. Yes, combining relaxation techniques can be beneficial in promoting rapid sleep initiation. For instance, individuals can practice diaphragmatic breathing while visualizing calming imagery or use progressive muscle relaxation before implementing the military method.

3. Is it necessary to follow a strict sleep schedule every day?
Ans. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule is essential for training the body’s internal clock and optimizing sleep-wake cycles. While occasional deviations are permissible, adhering to a regular bedtime and wake-up time, even on weekends, is recommended for better sleep quality.

4. Will the military method work for everyone?
Ans. While the military method has been proven effective for many individuals, its success may vary depending on personal factors such as stress levels, overall health, and preexisting sleep disorders. Experimenting with various techniques and finding what works best for each individual is crucial.

5. Can the sleep environment influence sleep initiation?
Ans. Absolutely. The sleep environment plays a significant role in promoting quality sleep. A dark, quiet, and comfortably cool bedroom, along with a comfortable mattress and pillows, can create a conducive atmosphere for falling asleep faster. Reducing exposure to electronic devices before bedtime is also important, as it can negatively impact sleep initiation due to the blue light interfering with melatonin production.

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